छूटे कोई दीन दुखी ना, सबको करो शुमार लिखो, दबी हुई चीखों को बुन कर, कर्कश इक ललकार लिखो। धरम जो पूछे शरणागत का, जात जो पूछे साधो की, हिंदुस्तानी दिल ऐसा भी हुआ नहीं लाचार लिखो। लिखने दो उनको BSE, NSE और GDP, तुम आम आदमी की जेबों में बची चवन्नी चार लिखो। इस शोर शराबे में सहमा सा सच जो तुमको मिल जाए, एक बार लिखो, दस बार लिखो, तुम उसको बारम्बार लिखो। है वक़्त अभी कुछ कहने का, है वक़्त नहीं चुप रहने का, नफरत के तूफानों में घिरते, इंसानों को प्यार लिखो। सुनो अभागा बदल गए हैं यहाँ मायने शब्दों के, देशभक्त ऐसे हैं गर तो, खुद को तुम गद्दार लिखो।
Can't believe that this result is genuine.
Anon: Actually ye to hon ahi tha. What else do u expect when
only 2 genuine teams are taking part and the scale is so small. It is very difficult to diffrentiate. This where the large scale of galaxy came into play.
T: Yeah I realize that but I will be generelly busy during next 10-15 days and so not much writing. Hope u keep coming back though :)
Do read this article
What I think about the GH team will be clear if u read my one of my previous postings called
GT - IInd edition About the article, I think the total content value of that is zero which is quite expected from a TOI article.
In today's date the PGs ,who usually see Galaxy as a festival of UGs, are in majority in GH. And hence the working people from GH were only a handful. By saying that GH team was not a genuine one, you have not done justice to the hard work of these few people.
-- The same anonymous person