Naach: The Choreography of Life

Its been over a month since I have written anything here. There are reasons for that but generally they are so silly that they are not worth your consideration, dear reader. And now after a month, I feel a little ashamed in putting up yet another placeholder post, just listing out what all tid bits have been happening in my life. It would hardly be worth your time. So I won't do that. No updates on my life in this post but only a little info which I think is very important. I have started taking Dr. Batra's treatment for hair loss !! Yes , ladies and gentlemen, me have finally fallen prey to the monster.

Anyway if you remember, long time ago but not in very distant past, I promised to write something called "The Bangalore Chronicles" that was supposed to be.. well, something interesting. And if you could see my life from where I am seeing it, you would have agreed whole heartedly to the date when the first chapter should end and the second begin. I am not so sure about the chapters names which according to me would be "Two to tango" and "Three Musketeers". If u get the theme, send me any more suggestions. I promise to take complete note of them before rejecting :).

Well that is all the progress that I have made on the Chronicles so far. Hope you are thoroughly disappointed because if u are not, I don't know what I have to do to disappoint you. Not that I want to but still I wonder..

Let me finish off with something good. I recently bought Choreography, the new album from Vanessa Mae and it is amazing. I am still absorbing it but at the moment, The Sabre Dance and Raga's Dance seem to be my favs. Go get it if u are into instrumentals and I promise u won't be disappointed because unlike me, Venessa Mae delivers :)

And yes, I watched Naach. Only advice, if u want to see it, don't watch it on CD. The whole movie is shot in closeups and most of the time u would either be staring at a blank screen or at two half faces.


Braveheart said…
The understone is a little depressing. Seemingly tired! Not a good sign, Boy. Pull up your socks and take it easy :D

You need to read a bit before you write anything on your blog. Let me tell you, that helps ;)

abhaga said…
Can't u hear the "Hate me if u can" undertone :P? No? Good !! because it is not there anyway :)).
Read I will but write I must, now. And as they say, there are things about which even books don't tell u :)

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