Golden Words
CNR Rao was the chief guest in our convocation last year. He is quite an entertaining speaker and draws nicely upon his rich experiences. He was one of the earliest professors at IITK (chem dept) and played a major role in development of curriculum and lab facilities (although it is said that when he left for IISC later, he took away everything with him except curriculum :)).
He made the following remark during his speech, a nugget which I have kept as a graduation advice :). The words are mine, the wisdom is, of course, his.
Something to gnaw on !!
He made the following remark during his speech, a nugget which I have kept as a graduation advice :). The words are mine, the wisdom is, of course, his.
"People come and say to me that it is so frustrating to stay in India. There are no facilities and there is so much bureaucracy, so much redtape. I tell them that it is not really difficult to stay in India but you need a little sense of humor. Otherwise it is also very easy to get frustrated here."
Something to gnaw on !!
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." -- JFK
" people come to me asking what to do next after graduating from this place. The only answer i could think of is - Go and get famous"
With "almost famous" league of ours, this might not seems to be a great thing but this is something worth living for.